Christmas Decor Reality Check…

After my ‘there are 37 days until Christmas’ post the other day, I went home and told the hubs how  excited I am for Christmas.  What happened next kind of stopped me in my tracks.

“That’s good;  I’m looking forward to eating ham for a month. What colours are you decorating the house this year”

(This shows how much attention he pays… we’ve had red and gold deco’s every year so far. I just buy a few ones here and there occasionally.)

“The same, red and gold. We can’t afford to buy new decorations every year, but if you’re giving me the go ahead, I’ll certainly take it… ”

“Well no, but what are you going to do differently? Last year you put photos of everything on Facebook so you can’t just take photos of the same stuff again. That’s boring.”

Woah… What just happened? Did my husband give me a decor reality check? I totally can’t do that! I’ve been so busy focusing on buying gifts and getting those jobs knocked over that I haven’t stopped to think about new decorations.

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