Pork is done at 71 – how to get perfect crackling every time!

Dear weekend – you can come back now :(

We did a whole lotta nothing this weekend, and after having two crippling hangovers during the week, that suited me just fine. There’s always grand plans on my to-do list, but sometimes it’s just nice to ignore them and kick back with a book! As always, we pottered in the garden, and I took the time to at least make one decent meal that weeknights don’t allow for. That’s actually my favourite thing about weekends – having the time to cook something more time consuming than the usual weeknight grub. And Friday night a rolled pork loin big enough for the 2 of us was on special. It was meant to be.

I guess the timing is also ideal given most of us will be serving up a roast pork at Christmas time.

Photo 9-11-13 6 35 29 PM
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