Frozen bananas = banana ice cream. It’s a thing!

You might have heard about it. You might have never heard of it and after reading the headline just thought “I don’t like banana’s that much anyway”. Neither of those things are any reason to stop reading! I have news for you:

Frozen bananas make the most beautiful creamy ice cream you’d think it was from a soft serve machine. No seriously… It’s legit. And funnily enough – its not even that banana-ry. Read on my hungry friends…

We had some bananas that were going off recently and I didn’t have any ingredients to do anything with them so I quickly stuffed them in the freezer and forgot about them. Until Saturday night. Ben spied them and we coincidentally had no ice cream or other desserts to satisfy his sweet tooth.

We chopped the ends off the frozen bananas and sliced them lengthways to pull the skin off. And battled frozen fingers doing so.

“Can’t take photos… hands too frozen”.

We popped two bananas into the food processor and pulsed away. It looked very lumpy and icy, and I decided it wasn’t working because there wasn’t enough in the big processor bowl I’d use. I should have either used the smaller bowl or need to add more bananas. To save washing up we popped in the last two bananas and something beautiful happened.


The iciness quickly became beautifully smooth and silky ice cream. The flavour wasn’t too in-your-face-banana either. I only like bananas if they’re just not quite ripe yet and other than that, anything banana flavoured is not normally my fav. I would never opt for banana ice cream for example. But  it was amazing! We swirled through a little drizzle of maple syrup to top it off. Holy moly this was good and crazy healthy.

My kids to be are going to be fed a helluva lot of banana ice cream! Bring it on!

Update: This doesn’t work to be made ahead of time. Make it and eat it. We made 4 bananas worth and couldn’t eat it all so stored some in Tupperware in the freezer. We tried it last night and it tasted like old brown sour bananas. Not cool man, not cool. Make it and eat it. To make less, use the smaller bowl for your processor. 

One thought on “Frozen bananas = banana ice cream. It’s a thing!

  1. Pingback: Simply Fried Banana’s | lovelyseasonscomeandgo

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